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Tag: Gastric Sleeve

Understanding the Causes of Diarrhea After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, a popular weight loss procedure, offers transformative benefits to individuals striving to achieve a healthier lifestyle. However, along with the positive changes, patients often encounter a common side effect: diarrhea. This article explores the reasons behind diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery, highlighting its normalcy post-procedure and the various contributing factors.

Is Diarrhea Normal After Weight Loss Surgery?

Experiencing diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery might raise concerns, but it’s essential to recognize that this is a normal part of the recovery process for many patients. This side effect typically lasts for several months before gradually subsiding. The underlying causes are rooted in the body’s adjustment to significant changes, particularly in digestion and nutrient absorption. Here are the causes of diarrhea after bariatric surgery.

Diet Change

One of the primary reasons for watery diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery is the abrupt change in dietary habits. Patients are advised to transition from their pre-surgery diet to a significantly reduced intake of solid foods. This dietary shift can lead to digestive distress as the body adapts to processing new types and quantities of nutrients.

Digestive System Dysfunction

The digestive system plays a crucial role in breaking down and absorbing nutrients from food. After gastric sleeve surgery, the stomach’s capacity is significantly reduced, and the digestive processes are altered. This adjustment phase can result in stomach pain and diarrhea after gastric bypass surgery as the body regulates its digestive functions.

High Fiber Intake

Incorporating fiber-rich foods into the post-surgery diet is essential for maintaining digestive health and promoting weight loss. However, an abrupt increase in fiber intake can overwhelm the digestive system, leading to liquid diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery. It is advisable to introduce fiber and monitor the impact gradually.

Insufficient Water Intake

Proper hydration is vital for maintaining healthy digestion and preventing diarrhea. Patients may inadvertently experience dehydration due to the reduced stomach capacity, which can lead to diarrhea. Individuals need to prioritize adequate water consumption to support digestion and overall well-being.

Malabsorption of Nutrients

Gastric sleeve surgery alters the anatomy of the stomach, affecting the body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients efficiently. This malabsorption can contribute to diarrhea, as undigested or unabsorbed nutrients can increase the stool’s water content. If you notice watery diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery, don’t panic!

Managing Post-Surgery Diarrhea

Managing diarrhea after bariatric surgery involves gradual dietary changes, staying well-hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day, and paying attention to fiber intake. Introducing new foods slowly and monitoring how your body reacts is essential. Consulting a healthcare professional or dietitian for guidance can provide personalized strategies to ease digestive discomfort and promote a smoother recovery process.

Be Patient With Your Adapting Body

NY Bariatric is dedicated to helping patients navigate the post-surgery journey, including managing common issues such as diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery. Experiencing diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery is a common occurrence that stems from the body’s adjustment to significant digestion and nutrient absorption changes. While it may be concerning, understanding the contributing factors and making informed dietary and lifestyle adjustments can help individuals manage this temporary phase effectively. As the body adapts with time, post-surgery diarrhea typically diminishes, optimizing weight loss benefits. Contact us at Lenox Hill Hospital and schedule a consultation with our experts to learn more about gastric sleeve surgery in NYC.

Female Doctor Consulting A Patient At The Clinic

PCOS And Gastric Sleeve — How Can Bariatric Surgery Help Symptoms?

The path to a healthier life typically begins with dropping excess weight. Many Americans are overweight and even obese. That being said, many people turn to bariatric surgery in NY as a way to safely and consistently reduce their weight over time.

With the right weight loss procedure, diet, and exercise, you can achieve your health targets, even if you’re starting a little bit behind. That being said, let’s talk about weight loss surgery for PCOS.

Additional Reading: Can You Get Pregnant After Bariatric Surgery

What Is PCOS?

The connection between limiting PCOS via gastric sleeve and other bariatric surgery is a growing trend. Before getting into the benefits of bariatric surgery for PCOS, let’s define this term first.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder of the hormones. Up to 10% of women who are of reproductive age have this syndrome. Currently, there is no known cure for PCOS. Additionally, there is no consensus on what the right treatment is for this condition.

Symptoms Of PCOS

When getting gastric sleeve, the PCOS before and after symptoms are like night and day. Until then, symptoms of PCOS can include heavy periods, painful periods, irregular menstrual cycles, higher testosterone, metabolic syndrome, and acne.

Another symptom of PCOS is increased insulin production. If you have increased insulin, it could cause insulin resistance. This is one of the precursors to certain types of diabetes.

How To Treat PCOS

Since excess weight and insulin can contribute to diabetes and PCOS, then losing the weight can help alleviate some of these symptoms. Therefore, weight loss surgery is often recommended to help with PCOS.

Bariatric Surgery And PCOS

Bariatric surgery can help you drop excess fat and balance out your hormones once again. This may indirectly aid with your PCOS condition. In addition, you should stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine.

If you have a BMI of over 35 and are suffering from PCOS, then bariatric surgery may be the right choice for you.

Before And After Weight Loss Surgery: Observations

PCOS and bariatric surgery have a strong link in that the right operation can help you alleviate symptoms. Additionally obese mothers who could have been at higher risk for complications during their pregnancy may be able to create a healthier environment for carrying their unborn child.

Read more: Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Weight Loss Surgery

Take the Next Step Toward a Healthier Future

Bariatric surgery offers a transformative solution for managing symptoms of PCOS while promoting long-term health benefits. By reducing excess weight and improving hormone balance, procedures like the gastric sleeve can be instrumental in alleviating PCOS-related symptoms and enhancing overall quality of life.

If you’re struggling with PCOS and considering bariatric surgery in NY, we encourage you to take the first step toward a healthier future. To learn more about our services, including gastric sleeve, Lap-Band Surgery, and other weight loss options. Take the first step toward managing PCOS with bariatric solutions—Contact Us now!

Woman Holding Her Stomach

How To Get Rid Of Gas After Gastric Bypass & Gastric Sleeve

When it comes to losing weight, gastric bypass surgery is one of the most effective ways to achieve your long-term health targets.

Still, there are some side effects to keep in mind, such as additional bloating or gas as you’re getting adjusted to the recovery period. Let’s talk about the reasons behind that and how to reduce trapped gas after gastric bypass surgery in NYC.

Painful Or Horrible Smelling Gas After Gastric Bypass

It’s normal to have some gas after your bariatric surgery. If you have gas pain years after gastric bypass, then that’s another issue. That being said, there are a few different potential causes for this.

The gastrointestinal tract could stop absorbing or breaking down nutrients as effectively. Additionally, you may be adjusting new dietary changes that can cause sensitivities resulting in additional gas.

However, regardless of the reasons, let’s talk about how to get rid of gas after gastric sleeve. Of course, if you are experiencing consistent painful gas, that’s something that you should speak with your doctor or surgeon about. Still, for the occasional side effects like ​​trapped gas after gastric bypass that most patients see, here are some strategies to keep it limited:

Gastric Bypass And Gas: Limiting Occurrences Of Flatulence

Smelly gas after gastric bypass, consistent gas pain after gastric bypass, and other related symptoms typically have some of the following fixes:

Be Mindful Of What You Eat

Many people tend to overeat. The more food you consume, the more your body has to break down. This can result in undigested food, which causes gasses. Additionally, the faster you eat, the more likely you are to have gas.

Read more: Risks of Overeating After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Chew Your Food Thoroughly

Chew 20 to 30 times if possible per bite. Mindful eating is incredibly beneficial. This allows you to get a head start on digestion and reduce excess gas after bariatric surgery.

Watch Out For Foods That Can Trigger Flatulence

Dairy, beans, and alcohol are examples of foods that can trigger additional gas production. If you want to limit excess gas after bariatric surgery, then be kind to your gastrointestinal tract and avoid common foods that create flatulence.

Use Probiotics

Probiotics are essentially good microorganisms, like bacteria, that help you digest food faster. By taking probiotic supplements, you’ll break down food more effectively, and less bacteria will be left in the gut. Ultimately, this is less fuel for gas.

Take Medications

Your doctor can prescribe you certain medications. However, there are some over-the-counter medications that your surgeon may suggest. This could include lactase supplements and alpha-galactosidase supplements, like Beano. They can help reduce bloating after gastric bypass.

Stay Active

The more hydrated and active you are, the better your body will turn food into energy instead of it sitting in your intestines and turning into gas. Even a short 20 or 30 minute walk occasionally can help.

Speak With A Skilled Bariatric Surgeon Right Now

Gas is nothing to worry about if it comes in moderation after bariatric surgery in NYC. However, excessive gas after gastric bypass is a concern. But reach out to our experts for bariatric surgery at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program today. You’ll learn what your options are and how to get your weight under control once again.

Roll Of Toilet Paper And A Stethoscope

Moderate And Severe Constipation After Gastric Sleeve: Is It Normal?

If you’re overweight, then it can have a negative effect on all areas of your life. There are a lot of sacrifices you have to make. For these reasons, many people look to bariatric surgeons to help them drop excess fat. At Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program, our friendly expert weight loss surgeons are dedicated to your long-term health goals.

Gastric sleeve surgery is a popular route to start feeling better and slimming down. However, as with any procedure, there are some side effects to consider. Gastric sleeve constipation is a relatively common occurrence.

So in this blog post to keep reading, we’ll explore the nature and causes of constipation after gastric sleeve, and make sure that you have a great game plan to mitigate this discomfort after your procedure.

Read More: Tips For Losing Weight After A VSG

Constipation After Gastric Sleeve & Gastric Bypass

If you have mild or even severe constipation with gastric bypass or gastric sleeve, there’s nothing to be alarmed by, necessarily. Constipation after VSG is a fairly normal occurrence.

Let’s talk about some of the reasons why it occurs and how you can improve the symptoms — without necessarily needing miralax after gastric sleeve.

The causes of constipation after gastric sleeve are:

Not Getting Enough Physical Movement

You need to be exercising on a regular basis as much as possible based on your body’s limits. This improves your overall metabolism, which also leads to better digestion. Gastric sleeve and constipation often go hand in hand because people don’t keep their metabolism running high enough.

Ultimately, you can prevent constipation with some frequent walks or other cardio exercises.

Calcium And Iron

Taking vitamins may not be the most exciting thing in the world. However, it will help your constipation significantly.

Read more: What To Know About Iron Deficiency After Gastric Surgery


Narcotics are useful for relieving pain, however, they do slow down your digestive system and small intestine. Ultimately, your small intestine will absorb more fluid. This means your stool is drier and does not move through your body as quickly.

Not Getting Enough Fiber Or Water

If you fail to hydrate and get fiber in your diet, then you could experience additional constipation after your bariatric surgery.

What To Do If You’re Feeling Constipated

If you’re feeling the symptoms of VSG constipation, keep to the tips above. However, if it goes on to such an extent that you’re using the bathroom less than twice per week, you should consult a doctor.

Let them know about any additional symptoms you’re experiencing and follow their suggestions.

Speak With A Surgeon About Gastric Sleeve Surgery Today

If you’re considering gastric sleeve surgery in NYC, then reach out to Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program now. Gastric sleeve surgery can be safe and effective when losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

If managed right, you can reduce constipation after sleeve surgery. Our surgeons are highly trained in the most cutting-edge techniques. When necessary, we use surgery to help you achieve your weight loss goals, as well as other options. So let’s begin your new life today.

Two People Holding Glasses Of Whiskey With Ice Cubes

Drinking Alcohol After Gastric Sleeve & Other Bariatric Surgery: Can You Do It?

If you’re considering bariatric surgery in New York, then you’re not alone. Many people want a better mindset, body, and lifestyle. Therefore, they look for ways to lose excess weight and feel better about themselves in the mirror.

Of course, with most operations, there are certain guidelines that you should follow. For instance, people have questions about what food or drink that they can consume. You might be wondering, “Can I drink alcohol after surgery?”

Continue reading and we’ll discuss whether or not surgeries like gastric sleeve and alcohol can go hand-in-hand. That way, you can be best prepared for a safe journey ahead.

Read More: The Importance Of Support After Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery And Alcohol 101

Like any drug, alcohol after gastric bypass comes with several negative health side effects when you consume it. Alcohol is technically a drug as well, even though it is still legal. So if you want to consume alcohol after your bariatric surgery, keep this in mind.

One of the reasons that we do not suggest drinking alcohol after bariatric surgery is because it changes your digestion. Drinking after gastric sleeve or another operation is somewhat of a shock to your system. It can slow down your digestion immensely.

Additionally, alcohol tolerance is something to watch out for. You can develop tolerance to a substance over time. The higher your body fat percentage is, the higher your tolerance will be starting out. That means you’ll drink more alcohol before feeling the effects.

This is negative for a couple of reasons. First of all, alcohol contains a lot of calories and this will add to your weight gain. Secondly, alcohol can dehydrate you and limit the function of your organs. Finally, alcohol dehydrogenase is an enzyme that breaks down alcohol. Bariatric surgeries help you lose weight by reducing the size of your stomach.

This means you’ll feel full faster and won’t be tempted to eat as many calories. However, because your stomach is now smaller, you won’t be able to digest this enzyme as easily. In other words, more alcohol will get into your bloodstream.

Therefore, bariatric surgeons would uniformly say that the answer to “Can you drink alcohol after bariatric surgery?” is no.

Read more: Drinking Alcohol After Bariatric Surgery—Is It Safe?

How Long Should You Wait To Drink Alcohol After Bariatric Surgery?

You should aim to wait around 4 weeks after your surgery to consume any kind of alcohol. If you do reintroduce alcohol, ensure to do it slowly and not overnight.

A glass of wine here and there may not be the end of the world, however, you should always avoid binge drinking whether you’ve recently gotten out of surgery or not. So in short, the answer to “Can I drink alcohol after bariatric surgery?” is “not for a while.”

Learn About Bariatric Surgery In New York

Lenox Hill Hospital offers effective, safe New York bariatric surgery. Our surgeons use state-of-the-art solutions and inform you of the right expectations, recovery, and best practices. Contact us today. Let’s ensure that you can enjoy a healthy, fit lifestyle going forward.

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