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Tag: Gastric Sleeve

Person Eating Pizza And Fries

Risks of Overeating After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

A gastric sleeve surgery reduces the size of your stomach to help reduce your food intake. However, there are instances of patients binge eating after gastric sleeve, which affects their journey. You can’t help but wonder what are the risks involved and what can you do about overeating post-surgery.

What Happens if You Overeat After Gastric Sleeve

The following are the effects of overeating after gastric sleeve.

Stomach Stretches

The surgery reduces the size of your stomach, but the more you eat, the more the pouch enlarges. A gastric sleeve is performed to reduce the stomach’s size and make you feel full faster, but as the pouch stretches, you will start overindulging and gain back the weight.

Dumping Syndrome

The last thing you want is the symptoms related to dumping syndrome. Consuming more food than your body can digest will end up in the small intestines without proper processing. As a result, you will suffer from excruciating stomach pain, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Acid Reflux and Other Digestive Issues

Reflux is quite common after a gastric sleeve, but it gets worse and more painful if you overeat. If the stomach cannot accommodate the excess food, acid reflux occurs. That’s why you may experience bloating, pass excessive gas, and get severe stomach aches.

Long Term Effects

In the long run, when your stomach expands and your digestive system adjusts to the excessive food intake, you will be at risk of several other long-term complications. First, you will gain back the weight and suffer other obesity-related complications like heart disease and sleep apnea. Your chances of cancer, diabetes, stroke, and other lifestyle diseases will also increase.

How To Stop Overeating After Gastric Sleeve

Here are routines and habits you can develop to help you avoid overeating after a gastric sleeve procedure.

Eat Nutritious Food in Small Portions

Your diet makes all the difference to make your bariatric surgery successful. Doctors will tell you to reduce carbs, sodium, and sugar and increase your intake of proteins, fruits, and vegetables. While at it, it is best to eat in small portions, and you can even measure your meals to be certain. Also, remember to drink a lot of fluids between meals.

Eat Slowly

Did you know that the faster you eat, the more likely you are to overindulge? Fast eating after surgery can be very uncomfortable. Savoring your meals and chewing thoroughly allows your body to process the food better.

Read More : 7 Tips To Feel Better During Gastric Sleeve Surgery Recovery

Let a Professional Medical Practitioner Help You Manage Your Diet

Are you worried about binge eating post-surgery, or are you already experiencing the side effects of overeating after gastric sleeve in NYC ? Do not worry—you can consult with our professionals at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program for assistance to get back on track and have a fulfilling weight loss journey.

A Woman Having A Back Pain

Reasons and Remedies for Back Pain After Gastric Sleeve

A gastric sleeve procedure is one of the most effective ways to battle obesity and weight-related complications. However, like any other surgery, there are some side effects to watch out for, like back pain. You want your recovery journey to go smoothly, so you should know the causes and remedies for back pain after gastric sleeve. Here are reasons for back pain post-gastric sleeve and their solutions.

Posture Changes

Undergoing a weight-loss procedure changes your body’s center of mass and posture because of the lost weight. With these alterations come spine alignment issues, which is one reason you may experience pain in your back. Luckily, this can be prevented if you can improve your posture. Some patients use a posture brace that helps them sit and stand properly without slouching.

Muscle Weakness

Rapid weight loss also affects your muscles. The more weight you lose, the more you undergo muscle loss; that drastic change may take a toll on the spine, causing back problems. The good news is that this, too, can be corrected. Exercising is one sure way to build up your muscle mass. Cardio and weight lifting go a long way to help, and to improve your chances, consider adding more protein to your diet.

Nutritional Deficiency

Gastric sleeve involves removing a large part of your stomach, which means that patients may be at risk of nutrient deficiencies. Are you wondering why your back hurts after gastric sleeve surgery and how that is connected to nutrition? Since there is reduced food intake, malabsorption also occurs, and with that, your body doesn’t take in as many minerals and vitamins. Lacking calcium and Vitamin D, vital for your bone health, can cause back pain. To remedy this, consider eating more nutrient-rich foods and supplement them with vitamins under your doctor’s guidance.

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)

Due to the procedure, you may also develop GERD post-surgery. This is caused when the acids in the stomach travel up the esophagus, otherwise called acid reflux. It can be quite painful and uncomfortable; in some cases, you can even feel the pain in your back. There are prescription drugs for this that you can take, so consult with your doctor for remedies.

Managing Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Like many other gastric sleeve side effects, back pain is only temporary. The more you heal and take care of yourself, the more the symptoms reduce. You should be back to your normal life in no time. All you need is professional guidance after your gastric bypass surgery in NYC to deal with and get rid of the pain. Contact us at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program for more ways to manage back pain after gastric sleeve surgery.

Close Up Of A Women Holding A Stomach

Adapting Through Stagnation: Effective Strategies to Overcome Post-Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Plateaus

Experiencing a weight loss plateau after gastric sleeve surgery can be disheartening. It’s a common phase where the scale refuses to budge, leaving many to wonder about the effectiveness of their efforts. This article aims to provide actionable strategies to overcome this challenge.

Understanding the Plateau

Typically, a gastric sleeve weight loss plateau is experienced within three to twelve months following the surgery. It’s a natural response of the body, adjusting to the rapid changes it undergoes. Recognizing this as a normal phase in your journey is crucial for maintaining motivation and focus.

Tackling the Plateau: Practical Tips

Prioritize Protein

Protein is your ally in this battle. A high-protein diet helps preserve muscle mass, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy metabolism. Opt for lean meats, nuts, beans, and low-fat dairy products. This approach is essential in breaking a stall after gastric sleeve surgery.

Muscle Building

Exercise is non-negotiable. It’s not just about losing weight—it’s about reshaping your body and health. Incorporate strength training to build muscle, which in turn helps burn more calories, even at rest.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration plays a pivotal role in metabolic processes. Aim for at least 64 ounces of water daily, but remember to time your drinking around your meals to avoid overfilling your smaller stomach.

Meal Frequency

Consider adjusting your meal schedule. Smaller, more frequent meals can prevent your body from entering a ‘hibernation state’, a common cause of bariatric surgery weight loss plateaus.

Beyond the Basics

Remember, each journey is unique. Regularly measure your progress in ways other than the scale, like body measurements or how your clothes fit. Stay connected with your dietitian and support groups for personalized advice and motivation.

Final Thoughts and Next Steps

While breaking a 3-week stall after gastric sleeve can be challenging, it’s a conquerable part of your journey. Patience, persistence, and slight adjustments to your lifestyle can reignite your weight loss journey. Overcoming a gastric sleeve weight loss plateau is not just about getting past a temporary hurdle—it’s part of a transformative process that offers numerous health and lifestyle benefits.

Take the Next Step

If you find yourself at a standstill with a weight loss plateau after gastric sleeve, know that you have a strong support system. The team at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program is committed to guiding and assisting you at every stage of your weight loss journey. For personalized guidance and to learn more about gastric sleeve in New York procedures, contact us and schedule your consultation now.

Girl Smiling

Rethinking Gastric Sleeve Surgery: Is Reversal an Option?

Weight loss journeys often lead to the path of bariatric surgery, with gastric sleeve surgery being a popular choice. However, a critical question arises: Is endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty reversible? This article explores the intricacies of sleeve gastrectomy and its potential for reversal.

Understanding Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a procedure where a significant portion of the stomach is removed. This transformation creates a sleeve-like structure, drastically reducing the stomach’s capacity. The primary goal is to limit food intake to promote significant weight loss.

Is Sleeve Gastrectomy Reversible?

A common misconception is that bariatric surgeries like gastric sleeve surgery offer a reversible solution. However, this is not the case. The nature of sleeve gastrectomy involves the permanent removal of a large part of the stomach, making reversal impossible.

Alternatives to Reversal

While direct reversal of gastric sleeve surgery is not feasible, alternative procedures exist. For instance, patients experiencing severe complications or inadequate weight loss might consider conversion to gastric bypass or duodenal switch surgeries. These options, while not reversing the original procedure, offer different mechanisms for weight management.

Why Consider Reversal or Conversion?

Patients might contemplate the reversal or conversion of gastric sleeve surgery for various reasons. Persistent severe heartburn or insufficient weight loss are two primary concerns that might lead to considering alternative surgical options.

The Final Verdict on Reversibility

In conclusion, is the gastric sleeve reversible? The straightforward answer is no. Gastric sleeve surgery, once performed, is a permanent alteration to the digestive system. However, other surgical options can modify or enhance the initial results for patients facing complications or seeking further weight loss.

Understanding the Distinction: Gastric Sleeve vs. Gastric Bypass

When considering bariatric surgery, it’s crucial to understand the key differences between gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass. Each procedure has unique aspects and implications for weight loss and health. Gastric sleeve surgery, involving the removal of a portion of the stomach, focuses primarily on reducing stomach size to limit food intake. In contrast, gastric bypass not only reduces stomach size but also reroutes the digestive tract, impacting nutrient absorption and offering a dual mechanism for weight loss. This distinction is vital for patients weighing their surgical options, especially when considering long-term effects and lifestyle changes post-surgery.

Take the Next Step

If you’re considering gastric sleeve surgery in NYC, we are here to guide you. With comprehensive care and expert advice, they can help you make informed decisions about your weight loss journey. Learn more about gastric sleeve surgery and start your transformation today.

Pasta After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Pasta is a favorite food for most people around the world. However, if you recently had gastric sleeve surgery, this food preference may have to change, given its high-calorie level that is unsuitable for your health. Does this mean you must avoid the meal altogether? Read on to understand when you can eat pasta after gastric sleeve.

When Can I Have Pasta After Gastric Sleeve?

Immediately after gastric sleeve surgery, you will be under a 4-phase diet, and you should follow each to ensure the success of your surgery and limit post-operative complications.

In the first and second phases, limit your diet to liquids and pureed foods; hence, no pasta. You will start introducing soft foods like eggs, Greek yogurt, and some fruits and non-starchy vegetables in phase three, but still, avoid pasta as your body is still adjusting to the dietary and lifestyle changes.

So, when can you eat pasta after gastric sleeve? The twelfth week marks the start of the last phase toward attaining your weight loss goal and will differ in length among individuals. You will start adding most of the foods into your diet, including all fruits and lean meat, and then… Pasta!

How Do You Add Pasta To Your Diet?

While your system is healed by the time you are introducing pasta after gastric sleeve, this process should be gradual to give your body ample time to adjust. Start with a small portion and check your body’s reaction, then gradually increase the amount to as much as your stomach can hold without surpassing the recommendations ideal for meeting your weight loss goals.

A Healthy Way To Introduce Pasta After Bariatric Surgery

Despite its high carb content, pasta can be a healthy food choice, depending on how you add it to your diet. To minimize postsurgical complications, keep your blood sugars stable, and get all the nutrients that your body needs, go for whole grain pasta rather than refined pasta and pair your meal with lean proteins and vegetables. Lastly, watch your portions and avoid overeating lest you mess with your weight loss goals.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery for Weight Loss

When eating pasta after gastric sleeve, introduce the food in the final phase and be careful with how you do it. For more information about medically approved ways to reduce weight, contact Lenox Hill Hospital for gastric sleeve surgery in NYC today.

A Plate of Sweets and Croissants With Calorie Tracking App

Calories Intake After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Following a special diet post-weight loss surgery is important for your body’s recovery and to get the intended results. There are several weight loss surgeries that alter the digestive system, enabling you to lose weight. Gastric sleeve is a common weight loss procedure that reduces hunger by removing up to half the stomach, leaving a thin vertical sleeve. The procedure is permanent, and patients should adjust to lifestyle changes post-surgery, including their calorie intake. Read on to discover the typical calorie intake after gastric sleeve.

The First Six Months

Immediately after your gastric sleeve surgery, your doctor will recommend liquids and pureed foods up to the second or third month, after which you will shift to more solid foods. During this period, maintain your gastric sleeve calorie intake as recommended by your doctor. As you shift to solid foods, increase your intake to 300 to 600 calories. This will also change over time, as you will be able to consume 1,000 calories daily around six months post-surgery.

Calorie Intake After Gastric Sleeve—Six Months To One Year

After the initial six months, gradually increase your calorie intake to 1,200 calories per day. While this number is still low, it is enough to support proper nutrition and your weight loss goals.

Calorie Intake 1 Year After Gastric Sleeve

After a year and more post-surgery, your body can accommodate more calories, and most patients will consume up to 1,500 calories per day comfortably. The number is low compared to average consumption but adequate for a healthy lifestyle, and taking more than this could inhibit weight loss post-surgery.

So, What Level of Calories Is Okay?

The amount of calorie intake after sleeve gastrectomy depends on an individual’s current weight and activity. A balanced diet post-surgery should be comprised of healthy fats, lean proteins, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Given that your stomach size will be greatly reduced, pay attention to portion sizes to not overwork your system.

Read more: Why Do Fad Diets Never Seem to Work?

Manage Your Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

A gastric sleeve procedure shrinks your stomach size, reducing hunger and overall food intake. Managing your calorie intake after VSG will help you attain your weight loss goals, and our best bariatric surgeons in NYC will guide you toward your food options. Stick to their recommendations until your body can accommodate enough to sustain its requirements. Get in touch with Lenox Hill Hospital for a consultation if you’re thinking about having gastric sleeve surgery in NYC.

Woman Having Hiccups

What Causes Hiccups After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a reliable weight loss procedure that has helped many people shed excessive weight. Thanks to this procedure, many have improved their health. While gastric sleeve surgery has numerous benefits, some patients may experience a rather unexpected side effect: hiccups after gastric sleeve surgery. Read on as we will explore the reasons behind these hiccups and how to manage them.

Hiccups After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm followed by the closure of the vocal cords. This flow of events produces a distinct “hic” sound. It is not unusual to develop these post-surgery hiccups as they might occur shortly after the gastric bypass procedure. Here are some of the factors that contribute to their occurrence.

  • Diaphragm irritation: The stomach significantly reduces in size during gastric sleeve surgery. The rapid shrinkage can irritate the diaphragm, which is the muscle that controls breathing. Consequently, the patient will develop hiccups.
  • Air swallowing: Hiccups can also result from swallowing air. This is quite common, especially if a breathing tube is used. The air may remain trapped in the stomach and cause hiccups when it is released. 
  • Anesthesia effects: The use of anesthesia during surgery can affect the body’s reflexes and sometimes lead to postoperative hiccups. These hiccups typically subside as the anesthesia wears off.

Managing Painful Hiccups After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

While hiccups after VSG might throw you off a bit, the good news is they are usually just a temporary bother and disappear within a few days or weeks. However, there are several strategies to help manage and dismiss these hiccups:

  • Stay hydrated: Ensure you’re giving your body the hydration it craves. Take small sips of water or clear fluids—It’s like a spa treatment for your diaphragm. Consistent hydration is key.
  • Take slow, deep breaths: Breathe in, breathe out—a few minutes of these mindful breaths can make a noticeable difference in taming those hiccups.
  • Medications: In extreme cases, your healthcare provider may prescribe medications to alleviate persistent and painful hiccups.
  • Avoid carbonated beverages: Carbonated drinks can exacerbate hiccups. Therefore, it is best to avoid them during your recovery. If you have to drink something carbonated, keep it at extremely low levels until recovery.

    Read more: Drinking Alcohol After Bariatric Surgery—Is It Safe?

What Next After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Hiccups after sleeve surgery are a temporary and manageable side effect. While they may be bothersome, understanding the underlying causes and employing the right strategies can help alleviate discomfort. Our team at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program is available to make your recovery as smooth as possible after gastric bypass surgery in NYC. Call us today!

Woman Thinking With Hand On Chin

Lap-Band vs Gastric Sleeve: What’s The Right Choice For You?

Obesity increases your risk of hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and mental health disorders. While you may try weight loss programs in vain, all is not lost, as with bariatric surgery you can eliminate these risks and lead a healthier life. Let’s discuss lap band vs gastric sleeve surgeries for weight loss and what the right choice is for you.

Understanding Lap Band and Sleeve Surgeries

Lap band vs sleeve surgeries are options for obesity treatment to prevent chronic health problems. These procedures entail adjusting the stomach size to hold less food. The procedures vary in their technique, with a lap band procedure placing an inflatable band in the upper portion of the stomach, while the sleeve surgery removes up to 75% of the stomach. 

The lap band surgery does not cut any part of your stomach, but you’ll need follow-up visits and diet restrictions for your overall weight loss success and health. Gastric sleeve surgery, on the other hand, reduces the amount of food your stomach can hold and triggers favorable changes in your gut hormones, suppressing hunger and reducing appetite. Your bariatrician will help you understand the difference between lap band and gastric sleeve surgery during your initial visit and recommend the right choice.

Which Treatment Is the Best for You

While lap band surgery vs. gastric sleeve have the same end goal, they feature some differences:

  • Gastric sleeve has a higher BMI requirement than lap band
  • Lap band surgery is reversible, unlike gastric sleeve surgery
  • Gastric sleeve surgery is more effective in weight loss and disease improvements
  • Unlike lap band surgery, gastric sleeve surgery helps in decreasing hunger and controlling blood sugars
  • Lap band surgery features the least complications
  • Sleeve surgery features fewer adjustments in the future compared to a lap band procedure, as the band can damage the stomach over time or move out of place

Other issues in lap band surgery vs. sleeve include acid reflux with the gastric sleeve, swallowing problems, and an enlarged esophagus in the lap band surgery.

Do I Qualify for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Like other NY bariatric procedures, the gastric sleeve surgery qualifications include:

  • Having a BMI of 40 or more
  • A BMI of 35 or more if you have weight-related health complications
  • You’ve had several unsuccessful attempts in your weight loss journey despite professional supervision

Read more: How to Know if You Qualify for a Bariatric Procedure


Lap band and gastric sleeve surgeries are the most common weight loss procedures. By understanding the difference between lap band and gastric sleeve in NYC, and with the help of Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital, you will settle on the best procedure. If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to Don’t hesitate to contact us.

7 Tips To Feel Better During Gastric Sleeve Surgery Recovery

Embarking on the path to a healthier and more fulfilling life through gastric sleeve surgery is a significant milestone. This procedure offers remarkable benefits in terms of weight loss and overall well-being. However, the road to complete recovery can present its share of challenges. In this article, we provide a comprehensive guide featuring gastric sleeve recovery tips to assist you in navigating this delicate phase of your journey.

Tip 1: Acknowledging Pain and Discomfort

Start mentally preparing yourself for pain and discomfort during your recovery from gastric sleeve surgery. This discomfort is a natural part of the healing process. 

Tip 2: Avoid Strain on Your Body

Throughout your recovery period, you must refrain from exerting undue strain on your body. This entails refraining from heavy lifting, strenuous activities, or sudden movements that might place unnecessary pressure on your surgical site.

Tip 3: The Importance of Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises may not be an immediately obvious aspect of bariatric sleeve surgery recovery, but they wield a significant influence over your overall well-being. Shallow breathing can lead to complications such as pneumonia. Therefore, incorporating simple deep-breathing exercises into your daily routine can assist in maintaining clear lungs and reducing the risk of respiratory issues.

Tip 4: Adhering to the Prescribed Diet

Your post-gastric sleeve surgery diet plays a pivotal role in your recovery and long-term success. Strictly following the dietary plan recommended by your surgeon and nutritionist is paramount. Initially, your diet will consist of liquids or pureed foods, gradually transitioning to solid foods over time. This meticulous approach ensures you receive essential nutrients while facilitating your weight loss journey.

Tip 5: Exercise Gently When You Can

While you should avoid strenuous exercise, incorporating gentle physical activity into your daily routine is essential for a smooth recovery after gastric sleeve surgery. Start with short walks and gradually increase their duration as you progress.

Tip 6: Avoid Hitting Your Belly

Protecting your surgical site is of paramount importance. Avoid any activities or situations leading to direct contact or trauma to your abdominal area. Be cautious when moving around, and consider using a small pillow or cushion to protect your belly when sitting or lying down.

Tip 7: Don’t Take a Bath

While it’s important to maintain good personal hygiene, avoid taking baths during the initial stages of your recovery. This is crucial as it helps minimize the risk of infection and protects your incision site. Your medical team will provide guidance on when it is safe to resume taking baths.

Get the Help You Need

Recovery from gastric sleeve surgery is a transformative journey requiring patience, dedication, and strategies. If you have any questions regarding gastric sleeve surgery in NYC, our Lennox Hill Hospital experts are here to help. We are your go-to team for effective and highly reliable weight loss surgery in the region.

Understanding the Causes of Diarrhea After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, a popular weight loss procedure, offers transformative benefits to individuals striving to achieve a healthier lifestyle. However, along with the positive changes, patients often encounter a common side effect: diarrhea. This article explores the reasons behind diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery, highlighting its normalcy post-procedure and the various contributing factors.

Is Diarrhea Normal After Weight Loss Surgery?

Experiencing diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery might raise concerns, but it’s essential to recognize that this is a normal part of the recovery process for many patients. This side effect typically lasts for several months before gradually subsiding. The underlying causes are rooted in the body’s adjustment to significant changes, particularly in digestion and nutrient absorption. Here are the causes of diarrhea after bariatric surgery.

Diet Change

One of the primary reasons for watery diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery is the abrupt change in dietary habits. Patients are advised to transition from their pre-surgery diet to a significantly reduced intake of solid foods. This dietary shift can lead to digestive distress as the body adapts to processing new types and quantities of nutrients.

Digestive System Dysfunction

The digestive system plays a crucial role in breaking down and absorbing nutrients from food. After gastric sleeve surgery, the stomach’s capacity is significantly reduced, and the digestive processes are altered. This adjustment phase can result in stomach pain and diarrhea after gastric bypass surgery as the body regulates its digestive functions.

High Fiber Intake

Incorporating fiber-rich foods into the post-surgery diet is essential for maintaining digestive health and promoting weight loss. However, an abrupt increase in fiber intake can overwhelm the digestive system, leading to liquid diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery. It is advisable to introduce fiber and monitor the impact gradually.

Insufficient Water Intake

Proper hydration is vital for maintaining healthy digestion and preventing diarrhea. Patients may inadvertently experience dehydration due to the reduced stomach capacity, which can lead to diarrhea. Individuals need to prioritize adequate water consumption to support digestion and overall well-being.

Malabsorption of Nutrients

Gastric sleeve surgery alters the anatomy of the stomach, affecting the body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients efficiently. This malabsorption can contribute to diarrhea, as undigested or unabsorbed nutrients can increase the stool’s water content. If you notice watery diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery, don’t panic!

Managing Post-Surgery Diarrhea

Managing diarrhea after bariatric surgery involves gradual dietary changes, staying well-hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day, and paying attention to fiber intake. Introducing new foods slowly and monitoring how your body reacts is essential. Consulting a healthcare professional or dietitian for guidance can provide personalized strategies to ease digestive discomfort and promote a smoother recovery process.

Be Patient With Your Adapting Body

Experiencing diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery is a common occurrence that stems from the body’s adjustment to significant digestion and nutrient absorption changes. While it may be concerning, understanding the contributing factors and making informed dietary and lifestyle adjustments can help individuals manage this temporary phase effectively. As the body adapts with time, post-surgery diarrhea typically diminishes, optimizing weight loss benefits. Contact us at Lenox Hill Hospital and schedule a consultation with our experts to learn more about gastric sleeve surgery in NYC.

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