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186 East 76th St First Floor, NY 10021

New York’s World Class Program with over
20 Years of Top Experience in Weight Loss Innovation!

Our expertise is combining surgical techniques with a world-leading understanding of obesity and metabolic disease.
We’re also the birthplace of the most innovative bariatric procedures. 

Our goal is to synchronize the brain and the gut, resulting in reduced hunger, increased fullness, and the ability to live a more active life.

Our Surgical Program is an Accredited Center by the American College of Surgeons’ Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program.
CBS Mornings

Featured on 60 minutes, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and CBS Morning Show!

Bariatrics 20th Anniversary

Over 20 years of changing lives

Watch our video testimonial on how Pablo lost over 237 lbs with Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program.

Meet The Bariatric Surgeons at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program

Dr. Mitchell Roslin

Dr. Mitchell Roslin

Chief of Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Mitchell Roslin, MD, FACS, FASMBS, has dedicated his professional career to the treatment of severe obesity. He is considered one of the best bariatric surgeons in New York. He has been performing weight loss surgery in New York since 1994 and laparoscopic obesity surgery since 2000. He also holds several patents in the emerging field of Pacing Technology for the treatment of obesity.

Dr. Filippo Filicori

Dr. Filippo Filicori

General and Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Filippo Filicori, MD, FACS, is a Board Certified Minimally Invasive Surgeon who specializes in Robotic, Laparoscopic, and Endoscopic treatment of Obesity and Disorders of the Upper Gastrointestinal tract. He also specializes in the treatment of disorders of the Upper Gastrointestinal tract, such as Reflux (GERD), Stomach Cancer, Achalasia, Esophageal Spastic Disorders, and Gastroparesis.

Dr. Vikrom Dhar

Dr. Vikrom Dhar

General and Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Vikrom Dhar, MD is a board-certified and fellowship-trained Bariatric and Minimally Invasive surgeon. He specializes in bariatric surgery as well as gastroesophageal motility disorders, achalasia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, paraesophageal & hiatal hernias, abdominal wall & inguinal hernias, gallbladder disease, appendicitis, diverticulitis, and gastrointestinal cancers.

Why Choose Us

  • Origin and research for the development of SADI and SIPS in the United States

  • Original Patents for endoscopic revision of Gastric Bypass and pacing technology for obesity

  • Featured on 60 minutes for surgical treatment of diabetes 2006

  • NBC National Special on Gastric Bypass 2002

  • Leading research center for the use of Artificial Intelligence for future surgery

  • Most major commercial plans are accepted.

Woman Smiling After The Bariatric Surgery in New York
Many believe that the solution to weight loss is getting a surgical or endoscopic procedure or even medication. These can be life-saving therapies. Yet, all treatments need to be personalized based on your needs and history. There is not a single procedure that is ideal. We pride our program on the expertise of our multidisciplinary team in assisting you in understanding the lifestyle transformations that must accompany treatment in order to achieve lifelong success with bariatric surgery in NYC, especially when dealing with excess weight and certain obesity-related conditions.

Losing weight is challenging, and the reasons for this are poorly understood. The Bariatric Surgery program at Lenox Hill gives you access to a multidisciplinary team of experts who will help you choose the procedure that is best for you and give you the support you need to achieve your goals after surgery. Options like laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding offer a minimally invasive approach for those seeking effective solutions.

We offer the safest and most effective bariatric surgery in New York & Manhattan, NY, as well as revision bariatric surgery.

Register For Our Informational Seminar To Discover Which Procedure is Best For You!

Try Our BMI Calculator

BMI Classification Health Risk
18.5 – 24.9 Healthy Weight Minimal
25 – 29.9 Overweight Increased
30 – 39.9 Obesity High
40 and higher Severe Obesity Very High
*Note that these are approximate values, and are intended to be used only as a rough guide.

What is BMI

BMI is the most commonly used measurement for obesity. The BMI approximates body mass using a mathematical ratio of weight and height.

A BMI of 30 or greater is regarded by most health agencies as the threshold for obesity. A BMI of 40 or greater generally qualifies as severe obesity. However, note that BMI measurements in body-builders and athletes may not be accurate determinants of obesity because the BMI does not distinguish between muscle and fat.

Federal Guidelines for Healthy Weight

  • Underweight. Your BMI is less than 18.5.
  • Ideal Weight for Your Height. Your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9.
  • Overweight. Your BMI is between 25 and 29.9.
  • Obesity. Your BMI is 30 or greater.

Our Recent Blogs

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Optimal Sleeping Tips: How to Sleep After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

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How Can I Develop Healthy Eating Patterns After Weight Loss Surgery: Expert Tips and Guidelines

Undergoing weight loss surgery is a significant step toward better health, but it’s just the beginning of your journey. One of the most important aspects of post-surgery success is building healthy eating habits that support long-term weight maintenance and overall well-being. In this blog, we’ll share expert advice and practical tips to help you adjust […]
Top Ways to Boost Energy After Gastric Sleeve Surgery in NYC: Health Tips and Strategies

Top Ways to Boost Energy After Gastric Sleeve Surgery in NYC: Health Tips and Strategies

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