Risks of Overeating After Gastric Sleeve Surgery
A gastric sleeve surgery reduces the size of your stomach to help reduce your food intake. However, there are instances of patients binge eating after gastric sleeve, which affects their journey. You can’t help but wonder what are the risks involved and what can you do about overeating post-surgery.
What Happens if You Overeat After Gastric Sleeve
The following are the effects of overeating after gastric sleeve.
Stomach Stretches
The surgery reduces the size of your stomach, but the more you eat, the more the pouch enlarges. A gastric sleeve is performed to reduce the stomach’s size and make you feel full faster, but as the pouch stretches, you will start overindulging and gain back the weight.
Dumping Syndrome
The last thing you want is the symptoms related to dumping syndrome. Consuming more food than your body can digest will end up in the small intestines without proper processing. As a result, you will suffer from excruciating stomach pain, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Acid Reflux and Other Digestive Issues
Reflux is quite common after a gastric sleeve, but it gets worse and more painful if you overeat. If the stomach cannot accommodate the excess food, acid reflux occurs. That’s why you may experience bloating, pass excessive gas, and get severe stomach aches.
Long Term Effects
In the long run, when your stomach expands and your digestive system adjusts to the excessive food intake, you will be at risk of several other long-term complications. First, you will gain back the weight and suffer other obesity-related complications like heart disease and sleep apnea. Your chances of cancer, diabetes, stroke, and other lifestyle diseases will also increase.
How To Stop Overeating After Gastric Sleeve
Here are routines and habits you can develop to help you avoid overeating after a gastric sleeve procedure.
Eat Nutritious Food in Small Portions
Your diet makes all the difference to make your bariatric surgery successful. Doctors will tell you to reduce carbs, sodium, and sugar and increase your intake of proteins, fruits, and vegetables. While at it, it is best to eat in small portions, and you can even measure your meals to be certain. Also, remember to drink a lot of fluids between meals.
Eat Slowly
Did you know that the faster you eat, the more likely you are to overindulge? Fast eating after surgery can be very uncomfortable. Savoring your meals and chewing thoroughly allows your body to process the food better.
Read More : 7 Tips To Feel Better During Gastric Sleeve Surgery Recovery
Let a Professional Medical Practitioner Help You Manage Your Diet
Are you worried about binge eating post-surgery, or are you already experiencing the side effects of overeating after gastric sleeve in NYC ? Do not worry—you can consult with our professionals at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program for assistance to get back on track and have a fulfilling weight loss journey.