Post Lap Band Diet Tips And Best Practices
Living life as an obese person comes with its fair share of challenges. There are many ways to address your weight, such as improving your diet, exercise, and lifestyle routines.
However, lap band surgery is an incredibly safe and effective operation that you can consider as well. At Lenox Hill Hospital, our lap band surgeons have expertise in helping you lower your BMI, blood pressure, diabetes, and other health problems.
At the same time, you can enjoy a new, slimmer version of yourself every time you look in the mirror. That being said, let’s talk about what kind of diet you should expect after a lap band surgery.
What Is Lap Band Surgery?
Lap band surgery is also called adjustable gastric banding. This procedure is minimally invasive and helps you lose weight. Of course, bariatric surgeries have several additional benefits. One of the main benefits of lap band surgery is that it is completely reversible.
In fact, no big incisions or permanent body modifications to your digestive tract are necessary.
Here’s How Lap Band Surgery Works
Using an FDA-approved adjustable medical device, the surgeon will make your pouch. Essentially, it causes you to consume less food.
By combining lap bands with the right diet, you can achieve both rapid and sustainable weight loss. That being said, let’s talk about what kind of diet you should have after your lap band surgery.
Diet After Lap Band Surgery
Once you’ve undergone lap band surgery in NYC, you’ll begin the recovery process and your lap band post op diet. For the first couple of days during your recovery, the best foods to eat with lap band recovery are clear liquids only.
As you ramp up back to a normal diet, you’ll be able to drink additional liquids and pureed foods. So, don’t worry, eating after lap band surgery is possible sooner than you might think.
Some of the foods you’ll be able to consume during the recovery are protein shakes in order to get the right amount of macronutrients throughout your day. Once a few weeks have passed, your surgeon will be able to help you reintroduce foods to your diet again.
You’ll want to stay in close communication with your doctor.
Scrambled eggs, meats, mashed potatoes, and other soft foods can be reintroduced again. Then, gradually, you can reintroduce harder foods like lean meats, vegetables, or beans.
Restrictions After Lap Band Surgery
There are some diet restrictions to keep in mind. As mentioned, you’ll go on a fully liquid diet in the first couple of days or weeks. After this, you’ll want to keep portion sizes very small. Also limit sugar, fat, and carbohydrates.
These will contribute to extra acid, but they’ll also work against your weight loss goals. Long term after your lap band surgery, you should stick to lean meats, vegetables, and legumes.
Ensure you’re drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. Also integrate fiber into your diet to aid with digestion since your intestines will function somewhat differently.
Read more: Am I Eligible for Lap Band Surgery?
Learn More About Lap Band Surgeries Today
Now that you know more about the lap band surgery diet plan, it’s time to take action. Reach out to our friendly team at NY Bariatrics today.
Schedule a consultation to learn what your options are for this life-changing procedure. You deserve to live at the weight that you want to.