How to Know if You Qualify for a Bariatric Procedure
For those looking to lose weight, sometimes traditional diet and exercise isn’t enough. In those cases, a procedure like the gastric sleeve or gastric bypass may be the best option to help you meet your weight-loss goals. However, if you’re considering bariatric surgery, the first step is to find out if you meet the qualifications.
You Meet the BMI and Medical Qualifications
In order to be eligible for a bariatric procedure, you must have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher. Alternatively, you can qualify with a BMI of 35 if you suffer from one or more obesity-related comorbidities. These conditions include:
- High risk of a stroke or heart attack
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Type 2 diabetes
You’ve Been Unsuccessful Losing Weight Through Diet and Exercise
It’s important to recognize that bariatric surgery is not the “easy way” to lose weight. Bariatric procedures are a last resort when other attempts to lose weight have not worked or have not resulted in lasting weight-loss success. In order to qualify for a surgical weight-loss procedure, patients must have a history of unsuccessful weight-loss attempts.
Read more: Bariatric Surgery Vs. Diet and ExerciseYou’re Willing to Make the Commitment
Bariatric surgery it a tool to help patients achieve a healthier lifestyle, but weight loss doesn’t happen with surgery alone. After the procedure, patients will still need to exercise regularly, make healthy food decisions, control their portions, get plenty of sleep, and remain properly hydrated. All of these elements are necessary for healthy, lasting weight loss. Potential bariatric patients need to demonstrate that they have the drive to follow through with the lifestyle changes they’ll need to make after their procedure.
Read more: Exercises for Optimal Health After Weight Loss SurgeryNY Bariatrics offers personalized care and innovative solutions for your weight loss journey, ensuring you receive the best treatment for your unique needs. With a dedicated staff, expertise in all bariatric procedures, and post-surgery patient support programs, Lenox Hill can help you start your journey to a healthier lifestyle. Contact us today to take the first step toward a healthier, happier you.