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Author: jefftormey

Blue Carbonated Drink In A Plastic Cup With A Straw

Can You Have Carbonated Drinks After Bariatric Surgery?

Carbonated beverages have long held a place in the diets of many individuals. However, for those who have undergone gastric sleeve surgery, the question of whether they can indulge in carbonated drinks becomes a subject that warrants thoughtful contemplation. Read on to find out when you can have soda after a gastric sleeve surgery.

What Are Carbonated Drinks?

Carbonated drinks are beverages infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure, creating delightful bubbles that tickle our taste buds and provide a refreshing sensation. They are known for their fizzy and effervescent quality, making them a popular choice for quenching thirst and enjoying a range of flavors.

The Risks of Carbonated Drinks

Recovering gastric sleeve surgery patients are typically advised to stay away from carbonated beverages due to the various potential risks and complications they pose.

  • Bloating: One of the primary concerns associated with drinking soda after gastric sleeve is the potential for uncomfortable bloating. This discomfort arises as the gas trapped within the bubbles expands within the stomach.
  • Excess gas: Drinking soda after gastric sleeve surgery can result in the ingestion of excess air, leading to excessive gas production and discomfort.
  • Stomach stretching: Gastric sleeve surgery involves the reduction of the stomach’s size, and consuming carbonated drinks may stretch the newly formed stomach pouch. This potentially compromises the surgery’s effectiveness.
  • Suppresses nutrient absorption: The carbonation in these drinks can hinder nutrient absorption in the small intestine, which is crucial for post-surgery recovery.

When To Consider Drinking Carbonated Drinks

So, when can you have carbonated drinks after gastric sleeve? During the initial 6 to 12 weeks following the surgery, we strongly recommend refraining from the consumption of all carbonated drinks. Extending this period may offer even greater benefits for a smoother recovery and successful long-term weight loss.

But what about the long term? Can you drink soda a year after gastric sleeve? The answer isn’t a simple yes or no. Many healthcare professionals suggest that it’s best to approach carbonated beverages with caution even after the initial recovery period. While some individuals may tolerate them better than others, it’s crucial to consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance on when you can have carbonation after gastric sleeve.

Read More : Is It Okay To Chew Gum After Bariatric Surgery

Seek Medical Advice From a Qualified Practitioner

While carbonated beverages can be tempting, it is advisable to avoid them in the early stages of recovery and even beyond due to the potential risks. We are here to guide you to better health after gastric sleeve surgery in NYC and address all your weight loss concerns. Schedule your appointment with Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program today.

7 Tips To Feel Better During Gastric Sleeve Surgery Recovery

Embarking on the path to a healthier and more fulfilling life through gastric sleeve surgery is a significant milestone. This procedure offers remarkable benefits in terms of weight loss and overall well-being. However, the road to complete recovery can present its share of challenges. In this article, we provide a comprehensive guide featuring gastric sleeve recovery tips to assist you in navigating this delicate phase of your journey.

Tip 1: Acknowledging Pain and Discomfort

Start mentally preparing yourself for pain and discomfort during your recovery from gastric sleeve surgery. This discomfort is a natural part of the healing process. 

Tip 2: Avoid Strain on Your Body

Throughout your recovery period, you must refrain from exerting undue strain on your body. This entails refraining from heavy lifting, strenuous activities, or sudden movements that might place unnecessary pressure on your surgical site.

Tip 3: The Importance of Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises may not be an immediately obvious aspect of bariatric sleeve surgery recovery, but they wield a significant influence over your overall well-being. Shallow breathing can lead to complications such as pneumonia. Therefore, incorporating simple deep-breathing exercises into your daily routine can assist in maintaining clear lungs and reducing the risk of respiratory issues.

Tip 4: Adhering to the Prescribed Diet

Your post-gastric sleeve surgery diet plays a pivotal role in your recovery and long-term success. Strictly following the dietary plan recommended by your surgeon and nutritionist is paramount. Initially, your diet will consist of liquids or pureed foods, gradually transitioning to solid foods over time. This meticulous approach ensures you receive essential nutrients while facilitating your weight loss journey.

Tip 5: Exercise Gently When You Can

While you should avoid strenuous exercise, incorporating gentle physical activity into your daily routine is essential for a smooth recovery after gastric sleeve surgery. Start with short walks and gradually increase their duration as you progress.

Tip 6: Avoid Hitting Your Belly

Protecting your surgical site is of paramount importance. Avoid any activities or situations leading to direct contact or trauma to your abdominal area. Be cautious when moving around, and consider using a small pillow or cushion to protect your belly when sitting or lying down.

Tip 7: Don’t Take a Bath

While it’s important to maintain good personal hygiene, avoid taking baths during the initial stages of your recovery. This is crucial as it helps minimize the risk of infection and protects your incision site. Your medical team will provide guidance on when it is safe to resume taking baths.

Get the Help You Need

Recovery from gastric sleeve surgery is a transformative journey requiring patience, dedication, and strategies. If you have any questions regarding gastric sleeve surgery in NYC, our Lennox Hill Hospital experts are here to help. We are your go-to team for effective and highly reliable weight loss surgery in the region.

Understanding the Causes of Diarrhea After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, a popular weight loss procedure, offers transformative benefits to individuals striving to achieve a healthier lifestyle. However, along with the positive changes, patients often encounter a common side effect: diarrhea. This article explores the reasons behind diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery, highlighting its normalcy post-procedure and the various contributing factors.

Is Diarrhea Normal After Weight Loss Surgery?

Experiencing diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery might raise concerns, but it’s essential to recognize that this is a normal part of the recovery process for many patients. This side effect typically lasts for several months before gradually subsiding. The underlying causes are rooted in the body’s adjustment to significant changes, particularly in digestion and nutrient absorption. Here are the causes of diarrhea after bariatric surgery.

Diet Change

One of the primary reasons for watery diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery is the abrupt change in dietary habits. Patients are advised to transition from their pre-surgery diet to a significantly reduced intake of solid foods. This dietary shift can lead to digestive distress as the body adapts to processing new types and quantities of nutrients.

Digestive System Dysfunction

The digestive system plays a crucial role in breaking down and absorbing nutrients from food. After gastric sleeve surgery, the stomach’s capacity is significantly reduced, and the digestive processes are altered. This adjustment phase can result in stomach pain and diarrhea after gastric bypass surgery as the body regulates its digestive functions.

High Fiber Intake

Incorporating fiber-rich foods into the post-surgery diet is essential for maintaining digestive health and promoting weight loss. However, an abrupt increase in fiber intake can overwhelm the digestive system, leading to liquid diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery. It is advisable to introduce fiber and monitor the impact gradually.

Insufficient Water Intake

Proper hydration is vital for maintaining healthy digestion and preventing diarrhea. Patients may inadvertently experience dehydration due to the reduced stomach capacity, which can lead to diarrhea. Individuals need to prioritize adequate water consumption to support digestion and overall well-being.

Malabsorption of Nutrients

Gastric sleeve surgery alters the anatomy of the stomach, affecting the body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients efficiently. This malabsorption can contribute to diarrhea, as undigested or unabsorbed nutrients can increase the stool’s water content. If you notice watery diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery, don’t panic!

Managing Post-Surgery Diarrhea

Managing diarrhea after bariatric surgery involves gradual dietary changes, staying well-hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day, and paying attention to fiber intake. Introducing new foods slowly and monitoring how your body reacts is essential. Consulting a healthcare professional or dietitian for guidance can provide personalized strategies to ease digestive discomfort and promote a smoother recovery process.

Be Patient With Your Adapting Body

Experiencing diarrhea after gastric sleeve surgery is a common occurrence that stems from the body’s adjustment to significant digestion and nutrient absorption changes. While it may be concerning, understanding the contributing factors and making informed dietary and lifestyle adjustments can help individuals manage this temporary phase effectively. As the body adapts with time, post-surgery diarrhea typically diminishes, optimizing weight loss benefits. Contact us at Lenox Hill Hospital and schedule a consultation with our experts to learn more about gastric sleeve surgery in NYC.

Woman Measuring Her Excessive Skin

How to Manage Excess Skin After a Bariatric Procedure

Bariatric surgery is a remarkable tool in the battle against obesity, bringing transformative results in patients’ lives. However, along with shedding significant weight, individuals may encounter the challenge of excess skin. This post-bariatric concern is a common side effect lasting several months. If you are wondering how to avoid loose skin after weight loss surgery, there are effective ways to manage the problem, promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Understanding Excess Skin After Weight Loss

Experiencing loose or sagging skin after bariatric surgery is a natural consequence of the body’s rapid and substantial weight reduction. When skin is stretched for an extended period due to excessive weight, its elasticity can be compromised. While the body adjusts to its new contours over time, the excess skin can remain, causing discomfort and affecting body image. Here’s how you can prevent loose skin after weight loss surgery.

Patience is Key

One of the most critical aspects of managing excess skin after weight loss surgery is patience. The body’s ability to adapt and tighten skin is a gradual process. While it’s natural to desire immediate results, it’s vital to understand that the skin needs time to shrink and reshape itself. Over several months, many patients find that their skin becomes noticeably firmer and more toned.

Hydration and Nutrition

A well-balanced diet and proper hydration are effective ways to prevent saggy skin after weight loss surgery. Consuming foods rich in vitamins and nutrients that support skin elasticity, such as vitamin C and collagen, improves skin appearance. Staying adequately hydrated also helps maintain skin’s suppleness and overall health.

Regular Exercise

Engaging in regular exercise not only aids in weight maintenance but can also improve skin elasticity. Incorporating strength training exercises into one’s routine can help build muscle mass, filling out some loose skin. Cardiovascular exercises can improve blood circulation, promoting healthier skin overall.

Read more: Transitioning Your Bariatric Workout Plan Indoors

Surgical Options

Surgical interventions may be considered for individuals with more pronounced excess skin that doesn’t respond adequately to non-invasive methods. Procedures such as body contouring and skin removal surgery can help achieve a smoother, more toned appearance. Qualified plastic surgeons typically perform these surgeries, which involve removing the excess skin and tightening the remaining skin for a more sculpted look.

Consultation with Professionals

Another effective way to avoid saggy skin after weight loss surgery is to seek guidance from medical professionals. Bariatric surgeons, dietitians, and plastic surgeons can provide personalized advice on managing excess skin based on an individual’s unique circumstances and needs.

A Healthy, Glowing You

Managing excess skin after a weight loss procedure requires patience, healthy lifestyle choices, and, in some cases, medical intervention. While loose skin is a common side effect of rapid weight loss, the body’s ability to adapt and change over time should not be underestimated. At Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program, we help patients maintain proper nutrition, stay active, and schedule routine checkups. This helps you navigate your weight loss journey and embrace your transformation with confidence. Talk to our experts today and learn more about bariatric surgery in New York.

Gastric Bypass Reversal: Everything You Need to Know

Bariatric surgery has emerged as a transformative solution for individuals struggling with severe obesity and subsequent health complications. Among the various procedures available, gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery have gained prominence for their effectiveness in achieving weight loss and improving metabolic health. Gastric bypass surgery is commonly performed to address obesity and targets conditions such as sleep apnea and metabolic diseases. By altering the digestive system and stomach size, gastric bypass offers a chance at a healthier life. However, an important question arises: Can a gastric bypass be reversed? Here are the factors determining if you can reverse gastric bypass surgery and the safety considerations associated with the procedure.

Can You Reverse Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery involves a fundamental alteration of the digestive process. During the procedure, the surgeon creates a small pouch at the top of the stomach, which is then connected directly to the small intestine. By bypassing the upper part of the small intestine and a portion of the stomach, this rerouting reduces the absorption of nutrients, contributing to weight loss and improved metabolic health.

The reversibility of gastric bypass depends on various factors, including the surgeon’s technique, the patient’s overall health, and the duration of the surgery. Unlike other bariatric surgeries, such as adjustable gastric banding, gastric bypass involves anatomical changes that make complete reversal complex. Reversing a gastric bypass would require re-establishing the original connections of the digestive tract, which might not be straightforward because of scar tissue formation and anatomical changes. Here are factors to determine if gastric bypass surgery can be reversed.

Time Since Surgery

The longer the time since the gastric bypass surgery, the more difficult it becomes to reverse the procedure. Adhesions and scar tissue formation make it challenging to restore the original anatomy.

Health Considerations

Patients with underlying health conditions might not be suitable candidates for reversal. In addition, complications post-surgery could affect the decision to pursue a gastric bypass reversal.

Weight Loss and Health Improvement

Gastric bypass surgery often leads to significant weight loss and improvements in health conditions like diabetes and hypertension. Reversing the procedure could lead to weight regain and a resurgence of these health issues. It is imperative to consult a healthcare professional to determine if gastric bypass surgery can be reversed.

Safety Considerations

Gastric bypass surgery is generally considered safe, with advancements in surgical techniques and preoperative evaluations contributing to reduced risks. However, like any surgical procedure, it does carry potential risks and complications, including infections, bleeding, blood clots, and adverse reactions to anesthesia.

The safety of reversing gastric bypass largely depends on the patient’s circumstances. Reversal surgery might pose higher risks compared to the initial procedure because of factors such as scar tissue, altered anatomy, and the potential for increased surgical complexity.

Gastric bypass surgery has revolutionized the treatment of severe obesity and related health conditions, offering patients a chance to achieve significant weight loss and improved metabolic health. Whether you can reverse gastric bypass involves complex considerations, hence the need to consult the experts at Lenox Hill Hospital. We explore all the possibilities before pursuing gastric bypass or its reversal. Schedule a consultation today and learn more about gastric bypass in Manhattan.

Exercises for Optimal Health After Weight Loss Surgery

Bariatric surgery can be a life-changing decision for individuals seeking to achieve significant weight loss and improve their overall health. However, the journey toward sustainable health doesn’t end with surgery alone. Regular exercise after bariatric surgery is crucial for maintaining the positive outcomes of the procedure. Exercise not only aids in weight management but also brings many benefits to help you lead a healthier and more fulfilling life. Here are exercises you can perform after weight loss surgery.

Preserving Lean Muscle Mass

One of the critical goals after weight loss surgery is to shed excess body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. Engaging in a combination of aerobic exercises and strength training helps achieve this balance. Cardiovascular activities like brisk walking, cycling, and swimming enhance heart health, burn calories, and improve overall fitness.

Strength training exercises, such as resistance bands, free weights, and bodyweight exercises, aid in building and maintaining muscle mass. This dual approach is essential for boosting metabolism, as lean muscle burns more calories at rest.

Promoting Stability and Flexibility

Significant weight loss can sometimes result in changes in body balance and posture. The exercises after bariatric surgery that focus on stability and flexibility can mitigate these effects. Yoga and Pilates are excellent options that help improve core strength, balance, and flexibility. These exercises contribute to better posture and reduce the risk of injuries by promoting body awareness and control. As you regain confidence in your body’s movements, you’ll be better equipped to enjoy an active lifestyle.

Improving Skin Elasticity

After bariatric surgery and substantial weight loss, your skin might need time to adapt to your new body shape. While exercise after weight loss surgery cannot eliminate excess skin, it can help improve skin elasticity to some extent. Strength training exercises stimulate collagen production, improving skin’s elasticity and tone. Combined with proper hydration and skincare, regular exercise can optimize skin health and appearance.

Managing Coexisting Conditions

Weight loss surgery often positively affects various coexisting health conditions, such as high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. After bariatric surgery, exercise is a powerful tool to manage these conditions effectively. Aerobic exercises aid in lowering blood pressure by improving cardiovascular health and enhancing blood flow. In addition, regular physical activity improves insulin sensitivity, making it easier to manage blood sugar levels for people with diabetes. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting a new bariatric surgery exercise regimen.

Choosing the Right Exercises

When incorporating exercise into your routine after bariatric surgery, it’s essential to choose activities that align with your fitness level and preferences. Start gradually and listen to your body. Low-impact activities like swimming or stationary cycling are gentle on joints, making them ideal for those with joint concerns. As your fitness improves, you can slowly increase the intensity of your workouts.

Here’s To the Healthy New You

Embarking on the journey of weight loss surgery is a remarkable step toward a healthier life. To ensure the success and sustainability of your transformation, Lenox Hill Hospital can help you incorporate the right exercises after weight loss surgery into your routine. Contact us today and schedule a consultation with our representatives to learn more about weight loss surgery in New York.

Glass Of Coke

Coke Zero After Gastric Sleeve Or Gastric Bypass? The Downsides Of Carbonated Beverages

Our surgeons at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program are well-versed in gastric sleeve weight loss surgery. However, many patients have common questions regarding what they can drink after a gastric sleeve procedure. Let’s discuss that right now so you can be best prepared.

Can You Drink Soda After Gastric Sleeve?

Our bariatric surgeons for gastric sleeve surgery in NYC do not recommend drinking soda after gastric sleeve. In fact, any kind of carbonated beverage such as soda water, alcohol, or anything else containing bubbles, should be avoided.

The reason is that the answer to “Can you drink soda after gastric sleeve” is typically no is because a lot of these carbonated beverages contain hidden sugars or carbohydrates.

So Coca-Cola, for instance, means you’re consuming hundreds of grams of sugar. Even if it doesn’t contain sugar, carbonation is still present. This expands your stomach.

Also releases carbon dioxide, which helps to expand the stomach even further. It could cause your stomach to expand too much, which could lead to severe discomfort. Bloating can put pressure on the incision unnecessarily.

However, you might be wondering “When can I have carbonation after gastric sleeve?” And aside from that, can you drink soda a year after gastric sleeve?

Yes, you can. Still, the reason why no carbonation after gastric sleeve is recommended is that your body needs time to recover.

Additional Information: Weight Loss Surgery Myths

What Should You Drink After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Drink plenty of water after gastric sleeve surgery. Flat, non-carbonated water should be your main source of hydration. Drinking flat diet soda after gastric sleeve is also okay.

Remember, food and drinks are for nutrition and sustenance. They are not for pleasure. It’s okay to enjoy the occasional treat, but during your recovery from your weight loss procedure, you need to stay disciplined.

It’s okay to drink flavored water that’s not carbonated or flavored. Also, coffee and tea can be consumed on a moderate basis during your recovery.

While there is no specific timeline to answer “When can I drink soda after gastric sleeve?” you should always consult with your surgeon to understand when it’s okay again.

What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a common weight loss procedure. It helps you lose weight in combination with the right diet and exercise. Gastric sleeve is also called laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or vertical sleeve gastrectomy.

What Does Gastric Sleeve Do?

Gastric sleeve operations transform your existing pouch shaped stomach into a tube or sleeve. After the operation, your new stomach will be around the size of a banana. Because your stomach will now be smaller, your body will feel more full after consuming fewer calories.

In other words, you simply won’t crave as much food as you used to. Since you will be consuming fewer calories, your weight can naturally reduce over time as a result. When performed by a qualified bariatric surgeon, gastric sleeve surgery is very safe.

When it comes to losing weight, gastric sleeve surgery is one of the more common procedures that patients consider.

Achieve Your Ideal Weight Today

Gastric sleeve surgery is an incredibly popular option for dropping the excess pounds that you’re carrying around. If you have any questions about this operation or other options for weight loss surgery, reach out to our team today.

We’ll also clear up any information you need about why no carbonation after gastric bypass is the standard. Schedule a free consultation with a quick phone call.

PCOS And Gastric Sleeve — How Can Bariatric Surgery Help Symptoms?

The path to a healthier life typically begins with dropping excess weight. Many Americans are overweight and even obese. That being said, many people turn to bariatric surgery in NY as a way to safely and consistently reduce their weight over time.

With the right weight loss procedure, diet, and exercise, you can achieve your health targets, even if you’re starting a little bit behind. That being said, let’s talk about weight loss surgery for PCOS.

Additional Reading: Can You Get Pregnant After Bariatric Surgery

What Is PCOS?

The connection between limiting PCOS via gastric sleeve and other bariatric surgery is a growing trend. Before getting into the benefits of bariatric surgery for PCOS, let’s define this term first.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder of the hormones. Up to 10% of women who are of reproductive age have this syndrome. Currently, there is no known cure for PCOS. Additionally, there is no consensus on what the right treatment is for this condition.

Symptoms Of PCOS

When getting gastric sleeve, the PCOS before and after symptoms are like night and day. Until then, symptoms of PCOS can include heavy periods, painful periods, irregular menstrual cycles, higher testosterone, metabolic syndrome, and acne.

Another symptom of PCOS is increased insulin production. If you have increased insulin, it could cause insulin resistance. This is one of the precursors to certain types of diabetes.

How To Treat PCOS

Since excess weight and insulin can contribute to diabetes and PCOS, then losing the weight can help alleviate some of these symptoms. Therefore, weight loss surgery is often recommended to help with PCOS.

Bariatric Surgery And PCOS

Bariatric surgery can help you drop excess fat and balance out your hormones once again. This may indirectly aid with your PCOS condition. In addition, you should stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine.

If you have a BMI of over 35 and are suffering from PCOS, then bariatric surgery may be the right choice for you.

Before And After Weight Loss Surgery: Observations

PCOS and bariatric surgery have a strong link in that the right operation can help you alleviate symptoms. Additionally obese mothers who could have been at higher risk for complications during their pregnancy may be able to create a healthier environment for carrying their unborn child.

Learn More About Bariatric Surgery Today

Our expert surgeons at Lenox Hill Hospital can help you achieve your health goals. You deserve to lose weight, remain active, and spend every day feeling great about your body.

So let’s begin that process today with a quick phone call. Our friendly specialists can answer any questions you may have about gastric bypass and PCOS.

Post Lap Band Diet Tips And Best Practices

Living life as an obese person comes with its fair share of challenges. There are many ways to address your weight, such as improving your diet, exercise, and lifestyle routines.

However, lap band surgery is an incredibly safe and effective operation that you can consider as well. At Lenox Hill Hospital, our lap band surgeons have expertise in helping you lower your BMI, blood pressure, diabetes, and other health problems.

At the same time, you can enjoy a new, slimmer version of yourself every time you look in the mirror. That being said, let’s talk about what kind of diet you should expect after a lap band surgery.

What Is Lap Band Surgery?

Lap band surgery is also called adjustable gastric banding. This procedure is minimally invasive and helps you lose weight. Of course, bariatric surgeries have several additional benefits. One of the main benefits of lap band surgery is that it is completely reversible.

In fact, no big incisions or permanent body modifications to your digestive tract are necessary.

Here’s How Lap Band Surgery Works

Using an FDA-approved adjustable medical device, the surgeon will make your pouch. Essentially, it causes you to consume less food.

By combining lap bands with the right diet, you can achieve both rapid and sustainable weight loss. That being said, let’s talk about what kind of diet you should have after your lap band surgery.

Diet After Lap Band Surgery

Once you’ve undergone lap band surgery in NYC, you’ll begin the recovery process and your lap band post op diet. For the first couple of days during your recovery, the best foods to eat with lap band recovery are clear liquids only.

As you ramp up back to a normal diet, you’ll be able to drink additional liquids and pureed foods. So, don’t worry, eating after lap band surgery is possible sooner than you might think.

Some of the foods you’ll be able to consume during the recovery are protein shakes in order to get the right amount of macronutrients throughout your day. Once a few weeks have passed, your surgeon will be able to help you reintroduce foods to your diet again.

You’ll want to stay in close communication with your doctor.

Scrambled eggs, meats, mashed potatoes, and other soft foods can be reintroduced again. Then, gradually, you can reintroduce harder foods like lean meats, vegetables, or beans.

Restrictions After Lap Band Surgery

There are some diet restrictions to keep in mind. As mentioned, you’ll go on a fully liquid diet in the first couple of days or weeks. After this, you’ll want to keep portion sizes very small. Also limit sugar, fat, and carbohydrates.

These will contribute to extra acid, but they’ll also work against your weight loss goals. Long term after your lap band surgery, you should stick to lean meats, vegetables, and legumes.

Ensure you’re drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. Also integrate fiber into your diet to aid with digestion since your intestines will function somewhat differently.

Learn More About Lap Band Surgeries Today

Now that you know more about the lap band surgery diet plan, it’s time to take action. Reach out to our friendly team today.

Schedule a consultation to learn what your options are for this life-changing procedure. You deserve to live at the weight that you want to.

Woman Holding Her Stomach

How To Get Rid Of Gas After Gastric Bypass & Gastric Sleeve

When it comes to losing weight, gastric bypass surgery is one of the most effective ways to achieve your long-term health targets.

Still, there are some side effects to keep in mind, such as additional bloating or gas as you’re getting adjusted to the recovery period. Let’s talk about the reasons behind that and how to reduce trapped gas after gastric bypass surgery in NYC.

Painful Or Horrible Smelling Gas After Gastric Bypass

It’s normal to have some gas after your bariatric surgery. If you have gas pain years after gastric bypass, then that’s another issue. That being said, there are a few different potential causes for this.

The gastrointestinal tract could stop absorbing or breaking down nutrients as effectively. Additionally, you may be adjusting new dietary changes that can cause sensitivities resulting in additional gas.

However, regardless of the reasons, let’s talk about how to get rid of gas after gastric sleeve. Of course, if you are experiencing consistent painful gas, that’s something that you should speak with your doctor or surgeon about. Still, for the occasional side effects like ​​trapped gas after gastric bypass that most patients see, here are some strategies to keep it limited:

Gastric Bypass And Gas: Limiting Occurrences Of Flatulence

Smelly gas after gastric bypass, consistent gas pain after gastric bypass, and other related symptoms typically have some of the following fixes:

Be Mindful Of What You Eat

Many people tend to overeat. The more food you consume, the more your body has to break down. This can result in undigested food, which causes gasses. Additionally, the faster you eat, the more likely you are to have gas.

Read more: Risks of Overeating After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Chew Your Food Thoroughly

Chew 20 to 30 times if possible per bite. Mindful eating is incredibly beneficial. This allows you to get a head start on digestion and reduce excess gas after bariatric surgery.

Watch Out For Foods That Can Trigger Flatulence

Dairy, beans, and alcohol are examples of foods that can trigger additional gas production. If you want to limit excess gas after bariatric surgery, then be kind to your gastrointestinal tract and avoid common foods that create flatulence.

Use Probiotics

Probiotics are essentially good microorganisms, like bacteria, that help you digest food faster. By taking probiotic supplements, you’ll break down food more effectively, and less bacteria will be left in the gut. Ultimately, this is less fuel for gas.

Take Medications

Your doctor can prescribe you certain medications. However, there are some over-the-counter medications that your surgeon may suggest. This could include lactase supplements and alpha-galactosidase supplements, like Beano. They can help reduce bloating after gastric bypass.

Stay Active

The more hydrated and active you are, the better your body will turn food into energy instead of it sitting in your intestines and turning into gas. Even a short 20 or 30 minute walk occasionally can help.

Speak With A Skilled Bariatric Surgeon Right Now

Gas is nothing to worry about if it comes in moderation after bariatric surgery in NYC. However, excessive gas after gastric bypass is a concern. But reach out to our experts for bariatric surgery at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program today. You’ll learn what your options are and how to get your weight under control once again.