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Author: jefftormey

How to Tell That You Have a Gastric Leak

Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the most highly requested weight loss procedures by patients worldwide, thanks to its high rate of efficiency. However, like any other surgery, it also comes with potential risks, like back pain and leakages. If you have just undergone one, it helps to know the gastric sleeve leak symptoms and how to prevent such complications.

What Happens During Gastrointestinal Leaks After a Gastric Sleeve?

Leakages post-surgery cause severe complications for patients, which manifest differently based on the case. There are two types of leaks: staple lines and anastomotic. With an anastomotic leak, the condition occurs where the stomach has been stapled. Usually, it happens when patients have undergone surgery before or are suffering from diabetes. On the other hand, leaks along the staple lines occur along the staples after surgery. This is more common among patients struggling with alcoholism or severe cases of obesity.  

Signs of a Gastric Sleeve Leak

Gastric sleeve symptoms of a leak are easy to detect, the most common one being abdominal pain, ranging from mild to severe pain. You may also experience other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, chest pain, and respiratory distress. You should know how to detect the leak symptoms after gastric sleeve early and seek immediate medical attention. Otherwise, failure to recognize them makes them worse. You risk further complications like septic shock, gastric ulcers, and organ failure.

What to Do When You Suspect That You Have a Gastric Sleeve Leak

If you have noticed any of the symptoms above, the next step is to consult with your doctor. You should seek treatment immediately to avoid the situation escalating. Usually, doctors prescribe antibiotics to patients and other treatments for the infection, but in severe cases, treatment involves repair surgery.

Prevention is the best way to avoid such complications. Ensure that you take adequate rest after surgery and listen to your doctor as you follow the instructions to guarantee speedy recovery. Also, don’t skip any follow-ups with your doctors for frequent monitoring, and to be safe, remember to seek medical attention whenever you detect any of the leak symptoms.

Consult the Professionals

Are you thinking about undergoing a gastric sleeve in New York? Are you experiencing signs that you may have a post-surgery leak? Consult with our surgeons at Lennox Hill Hospital to find the way forward and the best treatment methods to get you back on your feet to continue your weight loss journey.

Why Go For a Lap Band Surgery After a Gastric Bypass

Bariatric surgery is the answer if you are looking for an effective way to lose weight within a short time when other methods seem to fail. But what happens when you have undergone a gastric bypass but are yet to lose your target weight? Can you get a lap band after a gastric bypass instead of a full correctional surgery? Here’s what to know.

Can You Have a Lap Band After Gastric Bypass?

As advised by a surgeon, you can get lap band surgery after undergoing a gastric bypass. It is a procedure otherwise known as a band over bypass, and although not very popular, it is quite simple to get done. In most cases, patients opt for the band over gastric bypass at least a year later.

Why Go for a Band Over Bypass Surgery?

Patients undergo gastric bypass to help lose weight, and if that doesn’t happen, they opt for corrective surgeries. However, instead of redoing the entire process, doctors recommend going for a lap band surgery, which also works but is not as complex as a gastric bypass. The main reason why you can have a lap band surgery after a gastric bypass is if you didn’t lose your target weight after the initial surgery. It is also ideal if you feel like your weight has plateaued or you are starting to add more weight.

How Does a Band Over Bypass Surgery Work?

This procedure is also a laparoscopic surgery—the same as a lap band. Here, the surgeon makes small incisions in the abdomen and then ties your stomach pouch with the gastric band. As a result, the new stomach pouch will now hold even less food. The goal is to limit the patient’s food intake, which goes a long way to prevent overeating and, in turn, facilitates weight loss. It is an effective solution to keep you feeling full and reducing your food intake. It is also lauded for being a safer option than the conventional revisional procedures.

Lap Band Surgery After a Gastric Bypass

Have you previously undergone a gastric bypass but fear that it may have failed? Is your weight stagnant or increasing by the day, and you are uncertain about getting a correctional procedure? When you consult our surgeons from Lennox Hill Hospital, we will advise you on the best way forward, often recommending lap band surgery in NYC as a simpler and safer solution.

Close-up Of A Person Grabbing Popcorn From A Glass Bowl

Popcorn After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve is one of the most effective weight loss procedures. However, to maximize its success, you should adjust your lifestyle by eating right and frequently exercising. One of the most common questions post-surgery is what foods to avoid. For instance, you may wonder, can you eat popcorn after gastric sleeve?

Risks Involved When Eating Popcorn Post-Surgery

Popcorn is quite popular thanks to its low-calorie and high-fiber content. It is also rich in minerals and vitamins, being a whole-grain option. Despite its numerous benefits, it is on the list of foods not recommended for patients, just like fizzy drinks, pasta, gum, and other high-sugar and high-calorie options. Here are compelling reasons to avoid eating popcorn.

It Causes Dumping Syndrome

You can’t eat popcorn after gastric sleeve because it contains high amounts of carbs and fats, which can easily trigger dumping syndrome. This condition occurs when you overeat in one sitting, making it tasking for the body to properly digest the food, leading to bloating, diarrhea, stomach pains, and other symptoms.

It Causes Dehydration

You notice that you get incredibly thirsty after eating popcorn because, as a dry food, it tends to absorb moisture while you eat it. You need to hydrate more after surgery, so the more popcorn you eat, the more water you need. Otherwise, you will likely suffer headaches, dizziness, and other dehydration-related symptoms.

It May Cause Stomach Blockage

Popcorn is rich in fiber, and although that is good for your body, it can be a problem after a gastric sleeve. Your stomach finds it hard to digest such high amounts of fiber, especially in massive chunks. That has a risk of blocking your stomach, which is the last thing you want after a gastric sleeve.

Tips When Eating Popcorn Post-Surgery

If you are worried about whether you can have popcorn after a gastric sleeve, you don’t have to forgo your favorite snack as long as you practice caution. You can only eat it in small portions at a given time. Secondly, avoid adding oil or other toppings and extra seasoning that will be tasking for your body to break down. Also, make sure you drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration.

Watch Your Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

It is crucial to watch your diet, especially after a gastric sleeve in NYC. If you are unsure what to eat, consult with our surgeons at Lenox Hill Hospital for guidance or more information about the procedure.

Overweight Woman Sitting On The Floor Next To A Couch

Am I Eligible for Lap Band Surgery?

Are you torn between lap band surgery vs gastric surgery or any other weight loss procedure? A lap band procedure has the advantages of being reversible and featuring low risks of complications. It has a simple concept where the surgeons put an adjustable band around the stomach to reduce its size. If you are considering it, there’s one pressing concern: the lap band surgery requirements. Read on for more information on what it takes to be eligible for lap band surgery in New York City.

BMI of 30-45

One of the most crucial factors determining who is eligible for lap band surgery is that you must be overweight/obese or at risk of obesity-related diseases. No minimum weight requirement exists, but patients must have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30-45. What if your BMI is more than 45? You will be advised to use more effective weight loss procedures like the gastric sleeve procedure.

Long Term Overweight

While you may meet the criterion for having a high BMI, being obese, or at risk of weight-related conditions, you may not be a good candidate for the procedure unless you have been overweight for a long time. Some surgeons state you must have been obese for at least five years to be eligible for the lap band procedure.

Frequent Follow-ups

Before undergoing the lap band, ensure you will be available for frequent check-ups with your surgeon. Like any other weight loss procedure, some risks are involved, especially when you fail to adjust your lifestyle and nutrition. Several patients have the band removed due to complications like slippage or leakages. To avoid that, you should be ready for follow-ups with your doctor.

Open to Change

Another way to know who is eligible for a lap band is by determining whether the patient is ready to change their lifestyle. Surgery is the first step in trying to lose weight, but after that, you will also have to exercise frequently, follow a post lap band diet,eat healthy, take low-calorie meals, and generally change unhealthy habits. You must be highly motivated—otherwise, the procedure will fail.

Doctor Clearance

You must be healthy to undergo the procedure, which means that you should not be suffering from medical conditions like hypertension, diabetes, or heart disease. These are risky cases that could lead to complications during surgery, and you would instead need to opt for safer alternatives.

Talk to a Specialist About Lap Band Surgery

If you meet the above criteria, you are likely a good candidate for lap band surgery in NYC. However, ensure that you consult with our surgeons at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program for a customized evaluation to confirm that you are ready for the procedure.

Overweight Woman Eating Salad In A Kitchen

Tips to Consider When Eating Out After Weight Loss Surgery

Undergoing bariatric surgery means making a few alterations in your lifestyle to help keep your weight in check and avoid complications, but what about going out to eat? After the surgery, will you never enjoy spending time with friends and family at a restaurant? That’s not the case. The following are some handy tips to consider to stay comfortable when eating out after bariatric surgery.

Research and Check the Menu Online

Before going to any restaurant, the first thing to do is ensure the meal options meet the post-surgery requirements. You want to ensure they serve healthy meals, especially those rich in proteins and vegetables, and that use healthy fats for cooking. To be safe, you can take the time to choose the place yourself, ensuring that their options are nutritious.

Get Creative With Your Order

If you feel that the options do not necessarily align with your body’s changes, you can always customize your orders. Luckily, most restaurants are kind enough to accommodate you when you make special requests. When eating out after gastric sleeve, you can ask for dressing or sauces on the sides or only take salads. So be sure to communicate your needs with the servers.

Remember Mindful Eating and Portion Control

You must be on guard after surgery to avoid eating certain things like gum and excessive sugar and to avoid oversized portions. Mindful eating helps you adhere to this because you can listen to your body’s cues telling you that you are full. Take the time to savor your bites, and take pauses in between. To be safe, you can even order appetizers or get a take-away container to save half the portion for later.

Stay Hydrated

One more tip when eating out after a gastric sleeve surgery is to stay hydrated. The risk of confusing thirst as hunger may make you indulge more. You can drink water 30 minutes before eating, and if you must take something between meals, make sure you sip slowly and avoid drinking too much. Lastly, it is best to avoid alcohol when eating because it means more calorie intake, and it may also interfere with your mindful eating habits.

Seek advice From the Best in the Industry

Eating out after any weight loss surgery means thorough research and planning. Unlike preparing a meal at home, you must check the menu and make special requests if necessary. Be mindful of the tips above to avoid complications, and if you have any concerns, be sure to consult with our surgeons for bariatric surgery in NYC at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program.

A Woman Checking Her Belly

Gastric Bypass Recovery

If you are considering a gastric bypass procedure, you may have many questions about what to expect before, during, and after surgery. Whether you go for a mini bypass or a gastric bypass, you must account for the recovery process. Read on if you want to know how long it takes to heal from gastric bypass.

Hospital Recovery Time After a Gastric Bypass

What happens immediately after the procedure? How long is recovery from gastric bypass before being discharged? Patients are expected to stay in the hospital for 3–5 days to allow the doctors to monitor and closely observe how their body heals. They will check for risks like leaking, bleeding, or other complications because bodies react differently after surgery.

You will receive medication to manage any pain and discomfort you feel, and when needed, you will get IV treatments for severe pain before switching to oral medicine. Once cleared, you will receive a dietary plan and be discharged, allowing you to continue the recovery process from home.

Home Recovery Time After a Gastric Bypass

So, how long is the recovery from gastric bypass surgery after being discharged? Generally, most patients fully heal from home within 3–6 weeks, depending on the case. Before you leave the hospital, ensure you arrange for help. You need someone to drive you home and help you with everyday tasks, including grooming, especially in the first few days. Remember that you will also need assistance returning to the hospital for routine checkups. You will still be under medication and can only drive after being cleared by the surgeon.

With adequate support, you will sail through the first two weeks and get closer to achieving full recovery. However, you may still feel some discomfort and will need to take some pain medication. Remember to avoid strenuous activities and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions on your diet and exercise, and you should be on your way to a full recovery. You can then resume your normal daily activities, including reporting back to work. If your work involves lifting heavy loads, you’ll need to wait at least three months.

Trust Our Medical Professionals With Your Recovery

Recovery after a gastric bypass in Manhattan requires patience and dedication, and you need a lot of help to get back on your feet. That’s why you need a reliable team of professionals from Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program to guide you through the surgery and the journey post-procedure to guarantee a full recovery.

A Woman Checking Her Belly Fat

Choosing the Right Bariatric Surgery for You

Bariatric surgeries are effective weight-loss solutions. Since there are various options, it can be overwhelming to decide which version is best for you. For the most accurate advice specific to your situation, it is best to consult our surgeons and ask questions about the benefits and risks involved. Here are common types of bariatric surgeries and the factors to consider when choosing the right one.

Gastric Bypass / Roux-en-Y

This is one of the most popular bariatric procedures, and it has a high efficacy rate. It entails creating a tiny pouch in the stomach and then bypassing a section of the small intestines; this decreases food consumption and calorie absorption.

Gastric Sleeve / Sleeve Gastrectomy

If you want a less invasive procedure than a bypass or want to avoid the related risks, you can opt for a gastric sleeve. This procedure entails removing a section of the stomach to leave behind a smaller pouch or sleeve. Your new stomach will be tinier and in the shape of a banana, making you feel full faster. As a result, your food and calorie intake will significantly reduce.

Lap Band / Gastric Banding

If you have a history of acid reflux or heartburn, doctors will recommend this procedure over the two above. It is one of the least invasive and flexible solutions because it involves placing a band around the upper part of the stomach, leaving it smaller. The advantage is that this band can be adjusted or removed as required.

Duodenal Switch

If you are wondering which bariatric surgery is best for you if you want to lose the most weight, consider the duodenal switch. It has one of the highest success rates and is the choice for patients seeking significant weight loss. During the procedure, the doctors remove a portion of the stomach and bypass a large part of the intestines, reducing the amount of food you eat and absorb.

How To Choose the Right Surgery

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right bariatric surgery, but your doctor will take you through the options. For instance, if you are obese and want to lose as much weight as possible, the bypass and duodenal switch are recommended. Your healthy history will also matter because patients with acid reflux issues opt for gastric banding. Lastly, you must also account for the recovery time and the risks involved because each procedure differs.

Trust an Experienced Medical Professional To Handle Your Bariatric Surgery

If you have struggled with weight loss and need an effective solution, trust the bariatric surgery experts in NY from Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program. You need skilled and experienced professionals who will present you with all the options and advise you on which surgery will work best for you.

Person Eating Pizza And Fries

Risks of Overeating After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

A gastric sleeve surgery reduces the size of your stomach to help reduce your food intake. However, there are instances of patients binge eating after gastric sleeve, which affects their journey. You can’t help but wonder what are the risks involved and what can you do about overeating post-surgery.

What Happens if You Overeat After Gastric Sleeve

The following are the effects of overeating after gastric sleeve.

Stomach Stretches

The surgery reduces the size of your stomach, but the more you eat, the more the pouch enlarges. A gastric sleeve is performed to reduce the stomach’s size and make you feel full faster, but as the pouch stretches, you will start overindulging and gain back the weight.

Dumping Syndrome

The last thing you want is the symptoms related to dumping syndrome. Consuming more food than your body can digest will end up in the small intestines without proper processing. As a result, you will suffer from excruciating stomach pain, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Acid Reflux and Other Digestive Issues

Reflux is quite common after a gastric sleeve, but it gets worse and more painful if you overeat. If the stomach cannot accommodate the excess food, acid reflux occurs. That’s why you may experience bloating, pass excessive gas, and get severe stomach aches.

Long Term Effects

In the long run, when your stomach expands and your digestive system adjusts to the excessive food intake, you will be at risk of several other long-term complications. First, you will gain back the weight and suffer other obesity-related complications like heart disease and sleep apnea. Your chances of cancer, diabetes, stroke, and other lifestyle diseases will also increase.

How To Stop Overeating After Gastric Sleeve

Here are routines and habits you can develop to help you avoid overeating after a gastric sleeve procedure.

Eat Nutritious Food in Small Portions

Your diet makes all the difference to make your bariatric surgery successful. Doctors will tell you to reduce carbs, sodium, and sugar and increase your intake of proteins, fruits, and vegetables. While at it, it is best to eat in small portions, and you can even measure your meals to be certain. Also, remember to drink a lot of fluids between meals.

Eat Slowly

Did you know that the faster you eat, the more likely you are to overindulge? Fast eating after surgery can be very uncomfortable. Savoring your meals and chewing thoroughly allows your body to process the food better.

Read More : 7 Tips To Feel Better During Gastric Sleeve Surgery Recovery

Let a Professional Medical Practitioner Help You Manage Your Diet

Are you worried about binge eating post-surgery, or are you already experiencing the side effects of overeating after gastric sleeve in NYC ? Do not worry—you can consult with our professionals at Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program for assistance to get back on track and have a fulfilling weight loss journey.

Person Holding Digestive System Cutout

Differences Between Mini Gastric Bypass Vs. Gastric Bypass

Bariatric surgery is one of the most effective weight-loss procedures. It comes in various forms, including gastric bypass and duodenal switch, the former being the most popular. If you are interested in gastric bypass, know that it comes in two versions, a mini bypass vs bypass. Understanding how they work and their differences can help you decide which one to go for.

Here is an analysis of mini gastric bypass vs. gastric bypass surgery.

The Procedure

Mini-bypass surgery was created as a less complicated version of the standard bypass. Although the two work the same way, restricting meal consumption and reducing the absorption of calories, the mini bypass is simpler and involves fewer risks. During the gastric bypass procedure, the doctors create a smaller stomach pouch, bypassing the small intestine and connecting it with the new stomach. However, for a mini bypass, the stomach is reduced but linked to the first part of the intestines.

Cost and Operating Time

As you can tell, the gastric bypass is more complex than a mini bypass, so you will expect to pay slightly more to get it done. Additionally, the two have almost the same operating times depending on the individual case. However, considering the mini bypass is a simpler procedure, it usually takes less time to perform, while a bypass can take up to two hours.

Hospital Stay and Recovery

On average, the number of days you will stay in the hospital after undergoing either of the procedures is the same: 2–3 days. However, gastric bypass patients may end up staying a little longer, depending on the individual, and some can stay for up to six days. Luckily, the recovery time in both cases is fast. However, given the more complicated nature of a gastric bypass, you will heal faster after undergoing a mini bypass.

Read More : Gastric Bypass Recovery

Post-Surgery Complications

The two procedures have a very small risk of complications. However, there are even lower risks involved after undergoing a mini gastric bypass. It is generally considered a safer option for patients because it doesn’t involve that much rerouting of the digestive organs. There are fewer chances of anastomosis, which is the leakage along the staple lines, but on the downside, gastric bypass is the go-to in terms of efficacy. There is a higher chance of losing more weight over time than after undergoing a mini bypass.

Let a Medical Professional Help You Make the Best Decision

In the comparison of mini bypass vs gastric bypass, the two have a fair share of advantages, making it challenging to decide which one to choose. When you contact our surgeons for gastric bypass surgery experts in NYC from Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program, they will guide you in selecting the best option.

Woman Feeling Dizzy In Doorway

Why You Get Dizzy After Bariatric Surgery

Your doctor will inform you about certain temporary changes in your body after bariatric surgery. It takes some time to adjust to the alterations in your digestive system, explaining why you will likely experience dizziness after bariatric surgery. Take a look at the reasons behind this and ways to manage it.


Patients are advised to increase their daily water intake and make other dietary changes. Otherwise, blood flow to the brain and blood pressure may drop, making you feel lightheaded. The more fluids you take in, the more your sugar levels stabilize. For best results, consider drinking 48–64 ounces daily.

Blood Pressure Drops

Low blood pressure is quite common in patients post-surgery, especially when they stand or sit up too quickly. Also called positional vertigo, it occurs when not enough blood flows through the organs. To prevent this, ensure that you ingest more fluids and go for regular blood pressure checks.

Read More : Is Bariatric Surgery Effective for Treating High Blood Pressure?

Blood Sugar Drops

One more cause of dizziness after weight loss surgery is reduced absorption of glucose. Considering that the procedure alters digestion and limits food intake, including sugar, insufficient glucose is expected. This is a leading cause of feeling dizzy, and to combat this, it is advisable to eat small portions of food consistently throughout the day.

Vitamin Deficiency

Due to changes in the digestive system, it is normal for the body to have issues digesting vital nutrients. Vitamin and iron deficiencies occur in most patients, and the aftermath is problems like shortness of breath, fatigue, and lightheadedness. You should eat more protein-rich meals and consult with your doctor on the best supplements to take.

Side Effects of Medication

There are various medications prescribed to patients after weight-loss surgery to help with healing. However, some have a fair share of side effects depending on the individual’s body. You might experience headaches, increased heart rate, fatigue, and dizziness.


Although slim, there is a chance that a patient may experience leaks along the staple lines after surgery. This complication leads to severe abdominal pain, increased heart rate, fatigue, shortness of breath, and dizziness. If you are in excruciating pain, it is crucial to seek urgent medical attention because you may be suffering from anastomosis.

Seek Professional Medical Attention

Feeling lightheaded after gastric sleeve or any other weight-loss surgery happens to most patients. This is a temporary way for the body to adjust to the changes in your digestive system. However, if the symptoms persist, it is best to consult our experts for bariatric surgery in New York from Lenox Hill Bariatric Surgery Program.